The program is an elf software program focused on recovering Excel password. Enhanced with three attack modes, brute-force attack, brute-force with mask attack and dictionary attack, this program is powerful in recovering long and sophisticated passwords with a speed over 220,000 passwords per second and recovers simple passwords almost instantly.
The most flexible in this program is it allows you to customize it with providing password features and creating a new dictionary for the program to base on. Well, if you remember part of the password, such as its length, any digits, any specific letters, any special symbols are in the passwords, you can offer all these to the program to ease its calculation work. For example, you remember your password is 4***@, then you just indicate the program that your password is 4 characters with the initial character is 4 and the last one is @, then the program will just seek for the three characters in the middle instead of the whole five characters, reducing almost half of the work! For the dictionary attack, you may directly create a text file listing the frequently used password characters and sets to let the program base on, which may reduce the time from one hour to one minute!
It is super easy to use with user-friendly interfaces and clear instructions. Different from grand programs like Windows, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Office with multiple functions, this software is little in scale and easy to manipulate. Neither professional knowledge like that of Windows OS is required nor terminologies like those of Adobe Photoshop is containing are difficult to understand, this program is solely for password recovery with only several terms like attack, dictionary and mask, etc. which are so easy to grab if use it once. So, you may just feel free to try the software.