
Office Password Unlocker 3.0 is Released --- Restore Access to Office Documents Quicker and More Efficiently!

July 14, 2009: Office Password Unlocker 3.0 is released for users to access and modify Office documents quicker and more efficiently! It is fueled with three attacks brute-force attack, brute-force with mask attack and dictionary attack to enhance the function and is skinned with a brand-new look with clearer instructions to navigate users from the beginning to the end.

Engined with the three attacks, users will no longer feel helpless or no way out when facing a password-protected Word or Excel. Generally, the files password-protected are secret, confidential or at least unwilling to let others see. However, embarrassed situations always come into being for the memory doesn’t serve you well or the password-list is un-intentionally destroyed, etc. With the three attacks, brute-force attack, brute-force with mask attack, and dictionary attack, restore or regain your password for the Word and Excel is as easy as a pie and fast in speed as well. If your memory refuses to offer any hints to you, then brute-force attack will help. If you still remember parts of your password or its features, like any capitals, digits, space, or punctuations in the password, the password length, the last character of the password and so on, it’s better to use brute-force with mask attack. Dictionary attack is more flexible and smarter, if you can offer a dictionary in a text file listing the possible character sets which you use frequently in your password for the program to base on. It will hugely reduce the detect scale for the program, which is bound to save time and increase efficiency. The advantage is apparent especially when the password is long and complex.

Brand-new look with clearer instructions to navigate users makes it easier to use than ever. Instead of fancy and stainless-steel UI design, this program is simple and classic. Instead of obscure terminological jargons scattering all over the UI, the program uses small words to describe the options. All in all, the program is to let users do the job in a more used way.

The program supports MS Word and Excel through all the versions to 2003. With it, there does be a way to open the document!

Home page: http://www.passwordunlocker.com

Product page: http://www.passwordunlocker.com/products/ppu.html

Download page: http://www.passwordunlocker.com/downloads/pdf_password_unlocker_trial.exe

Purchase page: https://www.regnow.com/softsell/nph-softsell.cgi?ss_short_order=true&items=19681-25&ss_cart_reset=true&quantity=1

How-to: http://www.passwordunlocker.com/products/how_to_use_ppu.html

Email: info@passwordunlocker.com

